1) One of the girls is holding a/an … in her hands a) shovel b) toy duck c) ice cream  d) butterfly net 2) … of the children are waving their hands a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five 3) The girl with a pony tail is putting … on the sandcastle. a) a flag b) a shell c) a flower d) a poster 4) There is/are … island(s) in the distance. a) one b) two c) three d) no 5) The person on the sun lounger has … hair. a) curly b) wavy c) straight d) no 6) Only one boy in the picture is … a) flying b) fishing c) swimming d) taking photos 7) The weather is … a) warm b) terrible c) frosty d) gloomy 8) The boy, standing near the girl, is eating a/an … a) cake b) hotdog c) ice cream d) sandwich 9) The towel is on the … a) boat b) grass c) bag d) sun lounger 10) We can see … on the sand. a) litter b) paper c) rubbish d) a crab and shells

Look at the picture and choose the right words





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