1) I ............ big eyes. a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got 2) She ..............long hair a) has got b) have got c) hasn't got 3) Fenster Addams ............. any hair. a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got 4) Lisa Simpson ..............a small nose. a) have got b) hasn't got c) has got 5) Superman ............a strong body a) hasn't got b) has got c) have got 6) This dog ............a long tail. a) hasn´t got b) has got c) haven't got 7) Dracula ........... a long nose a) hasn´t got b) has got c) have got 8) Frankestain ............a big head a) hasn´t got b) has got c) have got 9) This Minion ................one eye a) have got b) has got c) hasn't got 10) Princesses ........ beautiful dresses a) have got b) hasn't go c) has got 11) The magician .............. white gloves. a) hasn't got b) have got c) has got 12) ........... a spider ........ eight legs? Yes, it has. a) Have, got b) Is, got c) Has, got 13) ....... humans ..... three eyes? No, they haven't. a) Have, got b) Has, got c) Are, got 14) Has this man got a car? Yes, he ......... a) hasn't. b) has got. c) has. 15) Have the children got any food? No, they ...... a) have got. b) haven't. c) hasn't.

Have got or has got?





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