1) He jumped________ the pool. a) into b) between c) off d) under 2) She sat ___________ the umbrella.  a) through b) except c) under d) out 3) They went _________________ the forest a) of b) against c) through d) except 4) We sat ______________ from each other.  a) behind b) on c) across d) off 5) The dogs were _____________ the table a) from b) along c) beneath d) among 6) Shari sat ______________ her friend. a) beside b) before c) over d) out 7) They kayaked ____________ the river. a) behind b) upon c) along d) like 8) The eagle flew _____________ the mountains. a) down b) above c) off d) of

WS-Word Forms-Prepositions





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