1) They ________ the church for one year, and still building it. they are a) are built b) have built c) will build d) were building 2) ________ Sam told Mary the good news(消息)? She looks so happy. a) Does b) Is c) Was d) Has 3) Helen ________ a cold for one week so she won’t go to Jane’s birthday party. a) was having b) will have c) is having d) has had 4) It ________ a museum. Where is it? a) looks b) looks like c) is looking d) was looking 5) Jill: ________ Sally ________ to Japan on business? Amy: No, she will go next week. a) Was; going b) Do; go c) Has; gone d) Are; going 6) Vicky felt ________ when she talked with Coco in Japanese. a) comfortably b) more comfortably c) most comfortably d) comfortable 7) Patrick ________ to New York, but he’ll come back tomorrow. a) go b) has go c) went d) has gone 8) ________ have you lived in this apartment? a) How many b) How long c) How fast d) How old 9) Mom has ________ the beautiful umbrella for two weeks. a) had b) have c) has d) having 10) Kate has been a high school teacher _______ ten years.(  )12. a) with b) in c) for d) since

Have/has +p.p.





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