1) Who is he? a) He's the DAD. b) He's the GRANDPA c) He's the BROTHER.  2) Who is she? a) She's the MUM.  b) She's the SISTER. c) She's the GRANDMA. 3) Who's she? a) She's the MUM. b) She's the GRANDMA. c) She's the SISTER. 4) Who is he? a) He's the BABY. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the GRANDPA. 5) Who's he?  a) He's the BABY. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the GRANDPA. 6) Who's he? a) He's the BABY. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the GRANDPA. 7) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the GRANDMA. c) She's the MUM. 8) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the MUM. c) She's the SISTER. 9) Who's he? a) He's the BROTHER.  b) He's the BABY. c) He's the GRANDPA. 10) Who's he? a) He's the GRANDPA. b) He's the BROTHER. c) He's the DAD. 11) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the MUM. c) She's the SISTER. 12) Who's he? a) He's the GRANDPA. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the BROTHER. 13) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the GRANDMA. c) She's the MUM. 14) Who's he? a) He's the GRANDPA. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the BROTHER. 15) Who's he? a) He's the GRANDPA. b) He's the DAD. c) He's the BABY. 16) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the SISTER. c) She's the GRANDMA. 17) Who's she? a) She's the BABY. b) She's the GRANDMA. c) She's the SISTER. 18) Who's he? a) He's the DAD. b) He's the GRANDPA. c) He's the BROTHER. 19) Who's she? a) She's the GRANDMA. b) She's the BABY. c) She's the MUM. 20) Who's he? a) He's the DAD. b) He's the BABY. c) He's the GRANDPA.

Family members





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