1) Paragraph A is about: a) eating etiquette b) visiting people's homes c) the art of conversation d) greetings 2) Paragraph B is about: a) visiting people's homes b) the art of conversation c) eating etiquette d) greetings 3) Paragraph C is about: a) greetings b) visiting people's homes c) eating etiquette d) the art of conversation 4) Paragraph D is about: a) eating etiquette b) the art of conversation c) greetings d) visiting people's homes 5) What should you do when you meet someone for the first time in Germany? a) kiss b) shake hands c) touch nose to nose 6) In which country is it OK to be late? a) In Mexico b) In France c) In Chile 7) Where mustn't you eat with your hands? a) In the USA b) In the UK c) In Chile 8) What topic of conversation is unacceptable in France? a) your health b) religion c) money

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