1) The Past Participle of the verb "do"  a) dod b) did c) done 2) The Past Participle of the verb "eat" a) eta b) ate c) eatten 3) The Past Participle of the verb "fly" a) flew b) flow c) flown 4) The Past Participle of the verb "give"  a) gove b) gave c) given 5) The Past Participle of the verb "know"  a) knew b) known c) know 6) The Past Participle of the verb "begin"  a) began b) begun c) begen 7) The Past Participle of the verb "draw"  a) drew b) drow c) drawn 8) The Past Participle of the verb "choose"  a) chuse b) chose c) chosen 9) The Past Participle of the verb "fall"  a) fell b) fallen c) fail 10) The Past Participle of the verb "blow"  a) blew b) blown c) blaw 11) The Past Participle of the verb "see"  a) sea b) saw c) seen 12) The Past Participle of the verb "speak"  a) spoke b) spike c) spoken 13) The Past Participle of the verb "go" a) went b) goone c) gone 14) The Past Participle of the verb "start" a) startted b) sturt c) started 15) The Past Participle of the verb "swim" a) swam b) swimmed c) swum





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