three-star - We stayed in a ______ hotel, world-famous - Everybody has heard of Tom Hanks, he's a ______ actor, sunburnt - After six hours on the beach, he had a terribly _____ face, short-sighted - I can't see very clearly. I'm a bit______, well-made - It wasn't a particularly ______ tennis racket. It broke soon, eye-catching - She was wearing an ______ dress that made heads turn, hand-made - All these items are _____ by skilled craftsmen in a local factory, run-down - I feel a bit_____. Perhaps, I should take more vitamins., well - off - My wife comes from a _____ family, they've always had a lot of money, timetable - What time does the train leave? We have to check the ______, shoelaces - I tripped over my _____ and broke my arm, sunlight - Don't leave this plant in the shade; it needs lots of _____, food poisoning - Last holiday I had a terrible _____ as a consequence of eating bad fish, parking meter - Don't forget to put some money in the _____ or the traffice wardens will give you a ticket, traffic lights - We had to wait for the _______ to turn green before we were able to continue.,

Compound adjectives and nouns





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