1) The children ... football in the park. a) played b) plays c) didn't 2) I ............... to music on Sunday. a) listen b) listened c) did listen 3) She ............... Maths on Wednesday. a) study b) studied c) studyed 4) I ....... the house yesterday. a) cleaned b) clean c) cleanned 5) I ................... Liverpool last year. a) traveled b) travel c) travelled 6) Jim .................. in London when he was a child. a) live b) lived c) livved 7) Ann ... bananas. a) like b) liked c) did like 8) She ..........some irregular verbs in the English class. a) learned b) learntt c) learn 9) I ........................ my bedroom yesterday. a) didn´t tidy b) don´t tidy c) didn´t tidied 10) She .................... her teeth yesterday. a) didn´t brush b) don´t brush c) didn´t brushed 11) ........ you study Science on Monday? a) Do b) Did c) Does 12) Andy Warhol ..................... pictures of famous celebrities. a) painteed b) painted c) did paint 13) Peter Blake ..................... several album covers. a) design b) designedd c) designed 14) My little sister.................. school last year. a) started b) did sterted c) start 15) Alexander Fleming ..................penniciline. a) did discover b) discovered c) do you did 16) My grandfather ................. two years ago. a) died b) die c) did 17) We .................. the Internet yesterday. a) use b) used c) useed 18) On Monday my dad ................... more than ten hours. a) didn´t worked b) work c) worked

Past simple regular verbs





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