`Governments should provide a first-class National Health Service for everybody so that nobody would want to pay for private treatment´., `Most nurses are overworked and underpaid. Do you agree?´., `People who have damaged their health through smoking or drinking should be at the back of the queue for expensive treatments'., `Do people have the right to smoke when children in the same house or colleagues in the same office have to inhale the smoke?, `Everybody should be compulsorily tested for HIV to allow the authorities to monitor and counter the spread of AIDS.´, `Alternative therapies should be recognised and licenced under the NHS to include a) acupuncture b)homeopathy c) aromatherapy & massage d) meditation e) yoga f) hypnosis and g) faith healing, `Western doctors prescribe drugs and medicines too freely since they do not have time to treat patients as individuals.´Do you agree?, Do you think other systems such as Chinese Medicine are any better?.





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