What is your present job? - I am an electrician., What made you want to become an electrician? - My dad worked with electricity and he taught me some basics. It was exciting. From my childhood I knew I wanted to be an electrician., What kind of education and training did you have? - I went to a vocational school, then I took a 4-year course on-the-job experience., How did you get your present job? - I searched job websites and sent letters of applications. Then I did some interviews and I was offered the position by the company., Could you describe a typical working day? - First, I collect the materials I need. Then I go and do the job. At the end go the day we usually have a quick meeting., What do you enjoy about your job? - I like the opportunities that come with the job. Last year I got to travel to Africa with my company., What do you dislike about your job? - Sometimes travelling long distances and cold weather can be difficult., What qualities or skills are important for an electrician? - You've got to have a logical, open mind. You also have to be able to solve problems quickly., What do you do in your free time? - I meet my friends at the weekends and we often play football. , How do you feel about working long hours? - NOT NEEDED,

Angol érettségi 2020 május - READING 1





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