1) I've got a puppy. This is ______ puppy.  a) my b) his c) her 2) You've got a kite. This is ______ kite.  a) its b) their c) your 3) Tom has got a pen. This is ______ pen.  a) her b) his c) its 4) Emily has got a car. This is ______ car.  a) your b) his c) her 5) The dog has got a ball. This is ______ ball.  a) its b) his c) their 6) We've got a garden. This is ______ garden.  a) their b) your c) our 7) You've got a book. This is ______ book.  a) your b) my c) his 8) They've got a cat. This is ______ cat.  a) our b) my c) their 9) He's got a plane. This is ______ plane. a) his b) her c) my 10) You've got many dinosaurs. These are ______ dinosaurs.  a) my b) your c) their 11) She's got a beautiful bird. This is ______ bird. a) my b) our c) her 12) They've got a cute cat. This is ______ cat. a) our b) their c) his 13) He's got a fast car. This is ______ car. a) his b) her c) our 14) We've got a ball. This is ______ ball. a) my b) their c) our 15) Marry has got two big teddy bears. These are ______ teddy bears. a) her b) my c) our 16) They've got a robot. This is ______ robot. a) our b) their c) my 17) Sarp and I have got a building set. This is ______ building set. a) my b) his c) our 18) My turtle has got a big shell on its back. This is ______ shell. a) her b) its c) their 19) I've got lots of toy figures. These are ______ toy figures. a) my b) your c) his 20) Serra and Ahmet have got a very fast rabbit. This is ______ rabbit. a) my b) our c) their

My, Your, Our, Their, Her, His, Its





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