1) Selective breeding is... a) a process to create an organism with desired traits from parents with those desired traits b) natural method of producing offspring with desired traits c) making organisms reproduce during times of stress d) creating a new species 2) An example of selective breeding is a) a dog breeder mating 2 dogs to make more dogs b) a person pollinates 2 white rose plants to only create white roses c) a farmer grows bees to pollinate the plants on his farm 3) Problems with selective breeding include a) Better animals b) Animals can have bad health problems c) Increased meat production d) more diversity 4) Which is NOT a result of selective breeding? a) Large seedless watermelons that consumer b) An insect that matches the color of the environment c) Bright oranges that are all about the same size d) A dog that has been bred to have short hair 5) Evidence shows that the wolf is the ancestor to all of the breeds of dogs shown below. How did this variation arise in a relatively short period of time? a) Genetic manipulation b) Natural selection c) Random chance d) Selective breeding 6) Which term refers to a farmer choosing the best corn from this year to plant next year? a) natural selection b) selective breeding c) genetic engineering 7) 5. What is one of the processes involved in selective breeding?5. What is one of the processes involved in selective breeding? a) allowing organisms to reproduce without interference b) choosing individuals with desirable characteristics to be parents of the next generation 8) Where humans have bred organisms together based on traits we like. a) Evolution b) Extinction c) Natural Selection

Selective Breeding Science





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