1) The general law of mechanics that stress is directly proportional to strain? 2)  How many states are there in Malaysia? 3) Malaysia's national football team's name 4) How much water should you drink a day? 5) When did Malaysia got independance? 6) What is the unit of work? 7) What do we call fluids at rest? 8) What is the reciprocal of bulk modulus? 9) Which vitamin is good for eyes? 10) What are the general sleep requirement for an adult? 11) An apple a day _____________ 12) How often you must have a routine body checkup? 13) Name the capital of Selangor 14) Which year did Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia? 15) Who discovered the Hooke's Law? 16) Longest river in Malaysia 17) Sublimation is a direct change from_________. 18) What is the action exerted by one body upon another called? 19) What is the capital city of Singapore? 20) The principles of kinetic particles are derived from which law? 21) The engineering materials are known as "plastics" are more correctly called: 22) What is defined as force per unit area? 23) Galvanized steel are steel product coated with_______ 24) What is a substance that attracts a piece of iron? 25) Which type of blood cell defend the body against disease?





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