1) _______________________ kills germs that make us sick. a) clean air b) sunlight c) clean house 2) A place in our house help us to relax, get sunlight and fresh air. a) Living room b) Kitchen c) verandas and balconies 3) The house and the area around it should be kept _______________________. a) clean b) dirty c) mosquitoes 4) What is the use of wire netting on the doors and windows? a) clean the surroundings b) keep mosquitoes away c) clean the air 5) You should throw garbage into closed ____________________. a) dustbin b) open spaces c) river 6) What is the use of proper drainage system? a) Keep the environment clean b) carries dirty water c) all of the above 7) Mosquitoes and germs breed in ________________ water and spread diseases. a) clean water b) purified water c) collected water 8) Why do we live in houses? a) It protect us from bad weather b) It protect us from animals and bad people c) It protect us from thieves d) all of these 9) Which of these things is used to build a house? a) gold b) coal c) cement d) wool 10) Flies are attracted to ______________. a) clean air b) sunlight c) clean water d) garbage

Our Houses- grade 3





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