generous - wanting to help people by giving them money, to share - to divide something between two or more people, peasant - a poor farmer, to steal - to take what is not yours, thief - a person who steals, drought - a long period of time when there is no rain, wealth - money and possessions, pleasure - enjoyment, poverty - being poor, heatwave - higher than normal temperatures lasting for several days, flood - a large amount of water that covers an area which is normally dry, hurricane - a violent storm with very strong winds, tornado - a very strong and dangerous wind that blows in a circle, drought - a long period of time when there is no rain, moisture - very small drops of water in the air, to evaporate - to change from a liquid into a gas, rays - thin straight lines of light, the atmosphere - the gases around the earth, reflected - when light or heat is sent back out into space, tradition - following the way things have been done for a long time, ancient - very old, storeys - the floors of a house, shade - to protect from the sun, instead of - in place of, business - companies, places of work, skyscrapers - very tall buildings,





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