1) ....................she clever ? a) Is b) Are c) Am 2) Yes, she ......... a) are b) is c) am 3) .........you happy? a) Is b) Are c) Am 4) No, I ....... a) aren't b) isn't c) 'm not 5) .......they friendly? a) Is b) Are c) Am 6) Yes, they........... a) are b) is c) am 7) ...........Peter nice? a) Are b) Is c) Am 8) Yes, he ......... a) is b) are c) am 9) ............your friends nice? a) Are b) Is c) Am 10) Yes, they ......... a) is b) are c) am 11) ......your dad tall? a) Is b) Are c) Am 12) No, he a) is b) isn't c) are

Klasa 4 to be (questions )





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