1) Who was the father of the Greek Gods : a) Zeus b) Hercules c) Apollo d) Odysseus 2) Which of the following was not a Greek city? a) Sparta b) London c) Rome d) Athens 3) World War 1 and World War 11 were responsible for the cancellation of the Olympic Games during the years: a) 1912 ,1916 ,1940  b) 1912, 1940, 1944 c)  1912 ,1916 , 1944 d) 1916 , 1940 ,1944 4) The Olympic Games was started by the : a) English b) Greeks c) Indians d) Chinese 5) Which is the most appropriate time period that represents the Middle Ages? a) 776BC-34BC b) 10 AD-496 AD c) 1076 AD - 1485 AD d) (D) 1776 AD - 1986 AD 6) Which early civilization took pleasure in watching Gladiator fights a) Romans b) Spartans c) Greeks d) English 7) The Renaissance Period was considered as a period of : a) stagnation b) rebirth c) death d) darkness 8) The 1936 Olympic games were held in ; a) England b) Belgium c) Germany d) USA 9) Which era saw a decline in physical activity? a) Ancient Greece b) Roman Era c) Renaissance d) American Civil War Period - 1900 10) Over the last few centuries, the spread of certain sports to various countries was due to : a) knowledge of the sports by the natives of these countries b) planned government policies c) abundance of sporting facilities in these countries d) the people who conquered these territories

History and Development of Physical Education and Sport ( The Olympic Games)





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