1) She drives (fast) than her brother 2) His new book isn't as good ___ his last one 3) I'm ____ tired this week than I was last week 4) Friday is ___ ____ day of the week for me 5) It's (dangerous) road in the world 6) It's the hottest country I've _____ been to 7) My sister drinks too ____ coffee 8) These jeans are ____ small for me 9) You haven't spent ____ _____ on your homework (time/enough) 10) They're playing really badly. They _____ _____ the match (win) - FUTURE 11) - My exam is tomorrow. - Don't worry you... 12) They met when they ______ (live) in Madrid 13) ____ you ever ____ to the USA? 14) - ______ (work) today? -No, she's on holiday





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