How is communication changing between people?, Do you think modern means of communication have improved communication?, Do you think that some conversations are easier to have on the phone? Face to face?, How would you feel if you had your mobile taken away for a week?, It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know?, How often do you start up a conversation with people you don’t know?, What are the benefits of good family communication?, How are men and women different when it comes to communication?, What topics are taboo for you personally?, Would you say that good communication is central to your job?, What is the secret to successful communication in the workplace?, How important is small talk in a business situation? Do you use it?, In general, is it better to text or call a business partner?, Has electronic communication made the workplace more or less stressful in general?, How do you think workplace communication will change in the future?, How important is it to be concise when communicating with business partners?,







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