1) --- to New York tomorrow morning? a) WIll you have driving b) Will you driven c) Will you be driving 2) I hope the weather --- nice. a) will be b) will have been c) will have 3) I offered him this job. I think he --- it. a) will take b) will have take c) will have taking 4) I promise I --- your secret to anyone. a) won't have told b) won't have telling c) won’t tell 5) Take your umbrella with you or you --- wet. a) won't get b) will get c) won't have got 6) They --- to Seattle this time tomorrow. a) will be flying b) will fly c) will have been flying 7) That exercise looks difficult. I --- you. a) will helping b) will help c) will have helped 8) Claire --- when we arrive. a) will have waited b) will waiting c) will be waiting 9) By next week I --- this report. a) will finish b) will be finishing c) will have finished 10) Ted --- here for one year next week. a) will have been living b) will have live c) will living 11) She --- so she will be tired. a) will be study b) will have been studying c) will studying 12) We --- in Brazil by this time tomorrow. a) will have arrived b) will be arrived c) will arrived 13) John --- at 4am. a) will sleeping b) will have sleeping c) will be sleeping 14) I promise I --- home before midnight. a) will have b) will be c) will been 15) Shut up or --- you. a) I'll have killed b) I’ll kill c) I'll have been killing

New Horizons - B2 - Grammar - Lesson 19 - Practice 1





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