quay - /kiː/a place in a town or village where boats can be tied up or can stop to load and unload goods (причал, набережная), bay - a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land (бухта, залив), smooth - a ----- surface has no rough parts, lumps, or holes, especially in a way that is pleasant and attractive to touch OPP rough, pent-up - p----u- feelings or energy have not been expressed or used for a long time (сдерживаемый, подавленный; затаённый), six of one and half a dozen of the other - (informal) there is little real difference between two alternatives, dishevelled - (of a person's hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered; unkempt (растрепанный), mongrel - a dog that is a mix of several different breeds, to galvanize into action - to shock or surprise someone so that they do something to solve a problem, improve a situation (побудить к действию; активизировать), to be out of practice - to have not done something for a long time, so that you are not able to do it well, passable - satisfactory but not of high quality, to go down with - to become ill, especially with an infectious disease, there's nothing for it - there's no choice; there's no other course (другого выхода нет), compatriot - someone who was born in or is a citizen of the same country as someone else SYN countryman, olive grove - a small orchard, or piece of land, filled with olive trees (роща), cypress tree - /ˈsaɪprɪs/a tree with dark green leaves and hard wood, which does not lose its leaves in winter (кипарис), in store - if something is ---- for you, it is going to happen at some time in the future (предстоять),





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