1) Long ago, most people had to begin their day when ... came up. a) the Moon b) the chores c) the farm d) the day e) the Sun f) the present 2) There were no ..., so they had to do their chores during the daylight. a) the past b) songs c) electric lights d) elevators e) evening f) programs 3) Many children didn't go to school. They stayed at home to ... with their parents. a) the future b) remote c) fight d) learn e) homework f) disagree 4) Mothers taught their daughters to make soap, do the dishes, cook and... a) sew clothes b) hunt wild animals c) fix their bicycles d) dig ditches e) chop down trees f) do puzzles 5) Fathers taught their sons to make ... things for the home or to sell at market. a) ugly b) terrible c) extraordinary d) appreciate e) outer space f) useful 6) Long ago, families used to sit by the ... in the evening. a) circular b) fire c) forest d) ocean e) stairway f) cell phones 7) They liked to play games, sing songs and ... a) contribute money b) play iPad games c) find their chores d) tell stories e) free-time f) memorize

Our World 4 - Unit 3: Long Ago and Today - Vocabulary I - Reading





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