1) I usually ________ tea. a) am drinking b) drinks c) drink d) is drinking 2) Today I _____________ coffee. a) drinks b) drink c) are drinking d) am drinking 3) He usually _______ lunch at one o'clock. a) eat b) is eating c) eats d) are eating 4) Today he _______ lunch at two o'clock. a) eats b) eat c) is eating d) am eating 5) She _____________ now. a) reads b) is reading c) read d) am reading 6) She often ________ in the evening. a) am reading b) is reading c) read d) reads 7) Lewis ___________ the car at the moment. a) is washing b) wash c) washes d) are washing 8) He usually ________ the car every Saturday. a) wash b) are washing c) is washing d) washes 9) Maria ________ her bike every day. a) rides b) is riding c) ride d) am riding 10) She ____________ her bike now. a) rides b) is riding c) ride d) am riding 11) Jack and Mike usually _________ jackets. a) are wearing b) is wearing c) wears d) wear 12) Today they _____________ T-shirts. a) wear b) is wearing c) are wearing d) wears

Present Simple vs Present Continuous





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