What's your name?, What's your last name?How do you spell it?, What's your e-mail adress?, Whats your phone number?, Do you have a friend? Is she/he...? What is her/his name? How old is she/he?, What is this?, What are these?, Is this your pen/coat/phone?, Are these your keys/glasses/documents ?, Where are my glasses/keys?, Where is my coat/pen/phone?, What's this? , What are these?, What are you wearing? , How's the weather? , What is your favourite clothes? music? food? film? weather? , What colour is your clothes?, What's your friend like? : he is handsome, ....., What's your boss like? : she is ...., What's your mum like? : she is beautiful, ....., Where are you from? , What's your first language? , What's your daughter like? , What are your colleagues like? , What are you wearing? , Whose....is this? Is it yours? , Whose.... Are these? Are they yours? , What time is it? , What time is it? .

Adults interchange Intro speaking






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