1) London is the capital of a) France b) Japan c) Poland d) UK e) Italy f) Germany 2) Where does the Queen live? a) on the top of the London Eye b) in the London Tube c) in the Buckingham Palace d) behind the British Museum e) in an aeroplane f) under Big Ben 3) What is the Union Jack? a) The flag of the UK b) a famous wizard c) Harry Potter's owl d) a Japanese ramen e) pasta with tomato sauce f) a park in London 4) What colour are the taxis in London? a) white b) yellow c) red d) green e) golden f) black 5) What is the typical weather in the UK? a) It's warm and sunny all year long. b) There is a lot of snow even in summer. c) In autumn it never rains and the sun shines. d) It's so cold that people live in igloos. e) It rains a lot and it's usually cloudy, but not too cold. f) It's very hot and it never rains. 6) What is a double-decker bus? a) a red bus with two storeys b) a green bus with a lot of flowers c) a special bus for cats and dogs d) a typical London bus with fish and chips e) a red bus from London to Paris f) a black bus that you can buy in any toy shop 7) What are the best clothes when it rains? a) pyjamas and sunglasses b) wellies and brolly c) swimming costume d) trainers and scarf e) jumper and bobble hat f) flip flops and gloves 8) What is another name for a cup of tea? a) coffee b) orange juice c) biscuits d) a cuppa e) Big Ben f) Union Jack 9) What colour are the phone boxes in London? a) green b) white c) grey d) silver e) pink f) red 10) What is a letter box? a) hot chocolate with honey b) a red box to send letters and post cards c) an aeroplane with the UK flag on it d) a black hole in the Universe e) a double-decker bus f) an afternoon tea 11) What has the Queen got on her head? a) CCTV b) a bobble hat c) a crown d) a cup of tea e) an umbrella f) the UK flag 12) Sherlock Holmes is a) a famous detective b) a Queen's guard c) the King of England d) a bridge in London e) an Anime character f) carrot cake  13) The Gherkin is a) a cucumber salad b) a cucumber soup c) a tomato, cucumber. mozzarella sandwich d) the royal palace in London e) a river in the UK f) a sky-scrapper in London which looks like a pickled cucumber 14) Tower Bridge a) is made of wood and plastic b) crosses the river Vistula in Warsaw c) is a card game for 4 players d) is a traditional British breakfast e) a bridge that crosses the River Thames f) a clock tower with CCTV 15) What's the name of the river that flows through London? a) Baltic Sea b) Vistula c) The Thames d) Pacific Ocean e) Gorczewska River f) London River 16) The London Underground a) is famous for red double-decker busses b) has got many black taxis c) is a huge airport d) is a railway station in London e) is small and slow f) is also called The Tube  17) A traditional English breakfast consists of a) noodles, tomato soup and strawberries b) ice cream, bread, carrots and porridge c) cup of coffee and a cake d) beans, sausage, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes and a cup of tea e) orange juice, porridge, rice and pears f) cheese, pizza, pasta and wine 18) London Eye a) is a toy b) is just a normal eye that everyone in London has c) is where the Queen lives d) is a huge observation wheel at the River Thames e) is a YouTube channel f) is a Tube station next to the Tower of London 19) What language do people speak in London? a) Japanese and Chinese b) The main language is English, but there are also 300 other languages c) French and Italian d) Polish e) People in London don't speak any language f) Parseltongue 20) What is the British currency? a) Euro b) US Dollar c) Polish Zloty d) British Pound e) British Euro f) wizarding money 21) Big Ben a) a boy called Ben who is big b) a clock tower in the Palace of Westminster c) a very big English cake d) a bridge over the River Thames e) a cinema in the city centre f) a museum 22) Harry Potter is a) an owl with green eyes b) a unicorn with rainbow wings c) He Who Must Not Be Named d) Ron and Hermiona's granddad e) a boy wizard with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead f) a Year 3 pupil which likes maths and English





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