1) A person who steals from a private house a) robber b) thief c) mugger d) burglar 2) A person who steals from a person or a place using violence (gun, bomb atc.) a) robber b) shoplifter c) thief d) burglar 3) A person who steals from a shop a) thief b) pickpocket c) shoplifter d) mugger 4) A person who steals in the street usually without noticing a) robber b) mugger c) pickpocket d) burglar 5) A person who uses violence to steal from somebody in the street a) mugger b) robber c) pickpocket d) burglar 6) A person who steals (general word) a) robber b) thief c) stealer d) burglar 7) A person who commited a crime a) criminal b) detective c) politician 8) A crime which involves giving money to someone in order to get a special service or advantage a) rape b) bribe c) hijacking d) smuggling 9) A person who brings goods to the country and takes good out from a country secretly and illegally a) kidnapper b) hacker c) smuggler d) terrorist 10) A person who takes control of a vehicle (usually a plane) using violence in order to demand something from a government a) hijacker b) hacker c) kidnapper d) joyrider 11) A person who takes somebody away illegally and keeps him/her as a prisoner a) fraudster b) hijacker c) smuggler d) kidnapper 12) A person who cheats somebody in order to get money or goods illegally a) fraud b) rapist c) terrorist d) vandal 13) A person who follows or watches somebody over a long period of time in an annoying way a) rapist b) hacker c) stalker d) mugger 14) A person who forces someone to have sex when they don't want or agree a) smuggler b) hacker c) blackmailer d) rapist 15) A person who demands money from somebody by threatening to tell a secret about them a) blackmailer b) fraudster c) stalker d) vandal





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