1) `There should be strict censorship of films and news bulletins on television to prevent children from copying violent incidents'. Do you agree? 2) `Children's cartoons such as Tom & Jerry and Popeye teach children the wrong lessons.' Do you agree 3) `Television cameras should not record crowd disturbances during sporting events such as football matches.´What do you think? 4) `Combat sports such as boxing where the aim is to injure your opponent should be banned and should certainly not be part of the Olympic Games.' Do you agree?´ 5) `Products such as pornographic videos and rap music which give expression to violence against women should be withdrawn from sale.'Do you agree? 6) `In many countries, military training which prepares people for violence against an enemy should be replaced by schemes to serve the community.´Do you consent? 7) `Nobody should be permitted to own a handgun for a hobby.´Do you agree? 8) `Combat knives should be made illegal.´Do you agree? 9) `Parents should not buy toy guns or war toys for their children.´Do you agree? 10) `Corporal punishment should not be used either at school or in the home.´Do you agree?





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