1) We all ... challenges in our lives. a) play b) hate c) face 2) A biologist once put a shark in a huge ... a) fishbowl b) watertank c) lake 3) Fiberglass is ... a) a transparent, strong material. b) is soft and grey. c) breaks easlily into pieces. 4) Wild animals hunt ...  a) flowers b) humans c) prey 5) The shark slammed into the divider and ... and hurt itself. a) bruised b) broke the glass c) ate the fish 6) When the fiberglass barrier was taken away, the shark ... a) attacked the fish. b) still believed there was a barrier. c) swam happily around the tank. 7) When we overcome a challenge, it inflates our ... a) ego. We become more self-confident. b) pockets. We become richer. c) muscles. We become physically stronger. 8) Everybody sometimes ... and hits an unbreakable wall. a) wins b) fails c) laughs 9) Sometimes we feel ... and humiliated. a) defeated b) proud c) silly 10) We can learn from our failures and achieve our ... a) fish. b) challenges. c) goals.





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