____ approach to reading is the ____ of the information contained in the text. Furthermore, it is reading ____ linking facts that leads to ____ of material and does not promote ____ nor thinking if it's good quality text. Deep approach is ____ to reading where the reader uses ____ and thinks meta-cognitively in order to ____ with the author's idea. The reader makes connections to already known concepts and uses them to ____ other problems. Sources of belief. There are two methods of developing our ____: ____ and non-scientific. Scientific method allows us to change our beliefs based on objective knowledge or experience. Authority, tenacity, ____ are non-scientific methods. ____ is taking someone else's ____ on faith. ____ is ____ to alter acquired knowledge regardless of evidence to the ____ (bigots). A priori is ____ without ____ ____ or study (flat-earthers). Critical thinking is ____ ____ based on ____ and examine the evidence. Order levels of thinking according to Bloom's taxonomy (Lower to higher):____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____. Difference between summary and an essay is that a ____ is objective, ____ ____ overview with no ____ included, while an essay is ____ opinion of a ____ topic. Structure of a summary: the ____ and only paragraph with the ____ sentence which states the text's title, author and main ____ of the text as you ____ it. Reporting verbs: s____, r____, i____, i____, s____. Objective tone in writing is achieved by using ____, no ____ statements, ____ adjective, conditionals, no ____ The difference between a hook and an introduction is that the ____ is the part of an introduction. Hook can be a ____ question, a quote, a definition or a ____. The thesis statement ____ the ____ idea and gives a ____ of what the ____ is going to say about the ____. It comes at the ____ of a paragraph. There are two types of thesis statement: ____ and specific. The function of a topic sentence is to ____ the main idea of a body ____. They often appear at the ____ of a body paragraph. Guidelines: a fact, ____ to thesis statement, a ____ to support the topic sentence, ____ words. Possible ways to order paragraph is by t____, f____, i____ and s____ We paraphrase to avoid plagiarizing by using s____s, changing the ____, ____ the sentences, switching ____ from active to ____. Supporting details in the text explain or "____" the main ____ in the ____ by using examples, ____ facts, definitions or ____ data. Personal ____, ____ statements and details that are ____ mentioned in the text should not be included in the ____ of an essay. Parts of conclusion: linking back ideas from ____, thought-____ questions, ____ potential consequences, ____ a relevant ____. Reference list is list of ____ publication for the sources ____ in a paper, gives the credit to ____ you have mentioned and allows a reader to find the ____ on their own. The reference list is written at the ____ of the paper by ____ order in the most common APA format. Cohesion refers to linking words that help connect ideas and show the ____ between paragraphs, ____ or parts of sentences. Coherence ____ to the ____ of the writing. ____ should be logically ____ and appropriately sequenced into paragraphs so they are easy to understand. Example of how it is achieved: use p____, topic ____, ____ words. Original scientific paper: contains unpublished authentic ____ of scientific ____ which can be checked. Professional paper consists already ____ scientific research and focuses ____ in ____. Preliminary communication is a form of professional paper that presents short notice about the result about the scientific work. Peer review is ____ of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the ____ field.





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