10,000 - 50 years ago the average vocabulary of a 15 year old was 25,000 words. What is it now?, Bookkeeper - In the English language there is only one word with 3 consecutive sets of double letters. What is it?, Not being able to remember what you want to say - What is lethologica?, Queue - Which word is pronounced the same even if you remove the last 4 letters?, indivisibility - What is the longest word to use only one vowel?, A tittle! - What is the dot over an i called?, Set - Which word has the most definitions in the dictionary?, All letters of the alphabet - What is special about "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"?, Typewriter - What is the longest word you can make from the top line of letters on a keyboard?, The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep is sick. - What is the most difficult tongue twister in English?, Screeched - What is the longest one syllable word in English?, Seven - If a listener is given a list of 20 - 30 random words, how many can they remember?, Phonics - What is the name given to the sounds we make when speaking?,





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