ancestors - preci, carpenter - stolar, descendants - potomci, predecessor - prethodnik, bonfire - krijes/logorska vatra, tar - a black substance, thick and sticky when hot but hard when cold, used especially for making road surfaces (katran), wooden barrel - large curved container with a flat top and bottom, made of wood (drvena bačva), shallow - plitak, hurl  - throw/toss, nestle - to be in sheltered or protected position (skriti;uglaviti), a hive (of activity) - a place that is full of people who are very busy (doslovno:košnica), to flock/to swarm (v) - go somewhere in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there (skupiti se;sjatiti;vrvjeti)), anticipation - expectation or prediction (iščekivanje), brass band - bend limene glazbe, court jester - dvorska luda, Guiser - a person in disguise (costume),





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