1) ✅ Tomorrow we ________________ (RIDE) a bike in the park a) Tomorrow we will ride a bike in the park. b) Tomorrow we won't ride a bike in the park. c) Tomorrow we ride a bike in the park. 2) ❌ He ________________________________ (NOT GO) out to play on a cold day. a) He won't goes out to play on a cold day. b) He will go out to play in a cold day c) He won't go out to play on a cold day. 3) ❓_______ you _______________ (HELP) me with my homework? a) You will help me with my homework? b) Won't you help me with my homework? c) Will you help me with my homework? 4) ❌ He _______________ (NOT GO) to school because he is ill. a) He will go to school because he is ill. b) He won't go to school because he is ill. c) He don't go to school because he is ill. 5) ❌ She ______________________ (NOT HAVE) time to study for the exam a) She won't has time to study for the exam. b) She won't have time to study for the exam. c) She has time to study for the exam. 6) ❌ She _______________ (go) to the cinema next Sunday. a) Will she go to the cinema next Sunday? b) She will go to the cinema next Sunday c) She won't go to the cinema next Sunday 7) Ora rispondi con le short answers. Hai preso gli schemi? a) Sì b) No 8) Will you study english next year? ✅ a) No, he won't b) Yes, you will c) Yes, he will 9) Will she go abroad for her summer holiday? ❌ a) Yes, she will b) No, they won't c) No, she won't






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