Timeframe of Medieval time - 500AD to 1500AD, Another name for Medieval time - Middle Ages or Dark Ages, Feudalism - System of land ownership where rulers divided land among their followers in return for loyalty and taxes., King - Owned all the land in the country, Fief - Land given by a King to his vassals, Peasants - Lowest in Medieval society, Manor - Villages that were owned by the Lord or Knight, Pottage - Soup made from vegetables and oats, Type of farming on a manor - Open Field Farming, Disadvantage of Open Field Farming - 1 field left to fallow = run out of food, Tithe - One tenth of a peasant's income paid to the Priest, 1st Medieval Castle - Motte and Bailey, Name the building on top of the hill - Keep, What is this wall made from? - Wattle and daub, What are these people called? - Peasant,

Life in Medieval Times





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