flown - Past Participle of FLY, thought - Past and Past Participle of THINK, ate - Past form of EAT, went - Past form of GO, grown - Past Participle of GROW, knew - Past form of KNOW, swam - Past form of SWIM, bitten - Past Participle of BITE, gotten - Past Participle of GET, understood - Past and Past Participle of UNDERSTAND, listened - Past and Past Participle of LISTEN, saved - Past and Past Participle of SAVE, played - Past and Past Participle of PLAY, ran - Past form of RUN, been - Past Participle of BE, kissed - Past and Past Participle of KISS, watched - Past and Past Participle of WATCH, written - Past Participle of WRITE, given - Past Participle of GIVE, had - Past and Past Participle of HAVE,





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