What's the best film you've seen recently?, Where did you go on holiday last summer?, Have you ever taken part in a dance or a music competition?, Did you have any pets as a child?, What have you already eaten or drunk today?, When was the last time you felt embarrassed?, Have you ever driven a really fast car?, Which country have you never been to but would like to visit?, What made you feel happy yesterday?, Has your English improves on this course?, What important things have you already done today?, What did you do yesterday?, Have you written your bucket list?, What's the best group or singer you've ever seen in concert?, Did you do anything exciting last weekend?, What's the worst food you've ever eaten?, When did you last go to the cinema?, What English text book have you just used?, Who was you role model as a child?, What did you watch on TV last night?, What famous book haven't you read yet?, How long have you lived in your current home?, What was your favourite subject at school?, What's the most enjoyable activity you've done recently?, Did you go abroad for your last holiday?, Have you joined any clubs recently?, What job have you always wanted to do?, What was your favourite cartoon when you were young?, Have you ever stayed up all night?, How did you feel before your last exam?, Have you taken up a new hobby this year?, What sport have you always wanted to try?, How many messages did you send yesterday?, Did you feel anxious about anything yesterday?, How many different jobs have you had?, Have you ever raised money for charity?.

Roadmap B2 3A Past Simple Present Perfect cards






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