In the 15th century, two rich families from Verona ____(BE) bitter enemies. They ____(FIGHT) constantly. One evening, Rome and his best friend Mercurio ____(GO) to a party at the Capulet's house, where Romeo ____(FALL) in love with Juliet, the daughter of his family's worst enemy. Of course, they ____(RECOGNISE) each other during the party. The following day, they ____ (MARRY) in secret because Romeo ____ (CLIMB) the wall to Juliet's balcony and they ____ (DECLARE) eternal love to each other. They day after the wedding, Rome ____ (KILL) Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, because Tybalt ____ (KILL) Mercurio, Romeo's best friend. Juliet ____ (BE) desperate because the prince____ (EXPEL) Romeo from the city. Juliet ____ (DECIDE) to visit Friar Lawrence because her dad ____ (ARRANGE) her a wedding with a man. Friar ____ (DEVISE) a plan: she would drink a potion to appear to be dead for 24 hours. Then Romeo could come back and they would escape together. By the time Romeo ____ (HEAR) Juliet ____ (BE) dead, he ____(HEAR) about the plan. He was so desperate that he ____(DECIDE) to buy a poison. He ____(DRINK) it beside Juliet's body in the Chapel. When Juliet ____(WAKE UP) a minute later, she realized Romeo ____(DIE) so she ____ (TAKE) his dagger and ____ (DRIVE) it into her heart. When the families found out what Romeo and Juliet ____ (DO), they ____ (PROMISE) to live in peace. "If the families hadn't hated each other, the children wouldn't have died"

Past Perfect & Simple Past





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