1. Many objects can be made from bamboo except ____. ____ can be produced in the form of charcoal and briquette. Bamboo charcoal contains countless ____ attracting odors and moisture. When bamboo can no longer be made into other objects, it can be ____. Bamboo can be made into any sort of ____ like floors, walls, roofs, and furniture. It is also called as ____ bamboo because of its whitish outer skin and is commonly used for making vehicle shaft. ____ bamboo is usually from one to three meters in height. ____ bamboo is a small shrubby species. ____ is the second-highest bamboo surrounded by interlacing. ____ bamboo is commonly used for making flutes. ____ is the only bamboo species having its flowers in dense. ____ bamboo has evergreen and leathery stems of its base culms.

Bamboo Craft





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