What time do you get up?, What do you do in the morning?, What do you do in the afternoon?, What do you do in the evening?, What time do you go to school?, How do you go to school?, What time does school finish?, When do you leave home in the morning?, What do you eat for breakfast?, What time is the break at school?, Can you describe your school?, Do practice any sports? How often do you have sport practice?, Do you watch TV? What are your favourite programmes and when are they on?, How long do you study?, What do you like doing at the weekend?, How many people are there in your family? What are their names? How old are they?, What is your job? What are your parents' jobs?, How many cousins have you got? How old are they?, Do you live in a flat or in a house?, What type of house is it?, How many floors and rooms are there in your house?, Can you describe your bedroom?, Where is your parents' bedroom?, Have you got a garden?, Is there a garage in your house?, Where do you usually have lunch?, When is your birthday? And your parents' birthday?, What's the day and the date today?, When were you born?, What time do lessons start at school? And when do they finish?, Where were you today at 7 a.m.?, What is your timetable for Monday?, What are the lessons on Thursday?, Which lesson have you got on Friday the 2nd hour?, How often do you have Science?, Which subjects do you study? Which is your favourite?, Which subjects are difficult for you?, Do you like going to school?, Can you speak German?, How many days a week do you go to school?, Is there a Science lab in your school?, How often do you use the computer room in your school?, Can you describe your school? And your class?, What's the weather like today?, What was the weather like yesterday?, What's the weather like in spring? And in summer? In Autumn? In winter?, What do you usually wear in in spring? And in summer? In Autumn? In winter?, Can you tell me the way to the supermarket from your house?, Can you tell me the way to the school from your house?, Where is the post office in your town?.





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