Emily is going to buy a donut for dinner. - Emily isn't going to buy a donut for dinner./ Is Emily going to buy a donut for dinner?, My friend and I do our homework at noon. - My friend and I don't do our homework at noon./ Do you and your friend do your homework at noon?, Mrs. Apple goes shopping *at 2:30*. - What time does Mrs. Apple go shopping?, Their parents are looking for *an ATM*. - What are their parents looking for?, Did her sister call a friend this morning? Yes, - Yes, she did. She called a friend this morning., Does Mr. Brown need any bean sprouts? No, - No, he doesn't. He doesn't need any bean sprouts., Do those rabbits run in the meadow? No, - No, they don't. They don't run in the meadow., Did this boy sing a song in the shower? Yes, - Yes, he did. He sang a song in the shower., Am I going to rent a car today? (a video) - No, you aren't. You are going to rent a video today., Can the baby crawl quickly? Yes, - Yes, he can. He can crawl.,

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