Can the airplane trips be shortened in the future being environmentally sustainable?, How can we smooth the transition to sustainable tourism without compromising the economy?, Why do the governments enable the corruption in different sectors, such as the economy of the country?, Have you supposed that the government has to strengthen the economic system to develop different sectors in the country?, Do people know that there are a lot of companies that endanger their workers for fast fashion production, and also pay them less than one dollar?, Do you think we can shorten the number of buyers from companies that support modern slavery?, How do you think we can simplify our lives and reuse products ?, Do you think that our political leaders visualize the best for the population, regarding health, education and homes infraestructure? Do they want to ensure our wellness? or they want to enlarge their fortunes?, What actions do you think are important , in order to help the endangered species? What kind of actions could the common citizen perform? , Do you know how many endangered animals are due to contamination?.

Verbs that come from adjectives. SPEAKING





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