1) ____ you have a shower ? a) Does b) Can c) Do 2) _____ she have lunch ? a) Does b) Can c) Do 3) What _____ _____ she play basketball ? a) time do b) does time c) time does 4) ____ you do your homework ? a) Does b) What c) Do 5) _____ time ______ you take your dog for a walk ? a) When, does b) What, do c) When, do d) What, does 6) _____ he go to school ? a) Does b) Do c) What 7) ____ she _____ her teeth ? a) Do, wash b) Does, wash c) Do, brush d) Does, brush 8) ____ you ____ up at 7:00 am? a) Does, go b) Do, get c) Does, get 9) Do you ______ dinner at 1:00 pm? a) have b) play c) go





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