videos - you can watch a lot of these on the internet, email - this is a message you send from your computer, laptop - you can easily carry this small computer around with you, medicine - if you are ill, you need to drink/take this to feel better, temperature - a nurse takes this to find out how hot or cold you are, toothache - if you have this, you should see a dentist immediately, envelope - you put a letter inside this when you post it, note - if you want to leave a message on your friend's desk, you may write this, text - you receive this type of message on your phone, famous - a big movie star or popular singer will be this, snow - this is soft and white and falls from the sky in winter, storm - in this very bad weather you may hear thunder and it will be wet, geography - this subject studies the world, its seas, mountains and rivers, history - in this subject you learn facts about what happened in the past, farmer - this person works outside and often has animals such as cows or sheep, cook - this person plans and cooks meals in a restaurant or kitchen, train - you catch this at the station with lots of other people, bicycle - this has two wheels but no engine, coach - this is a comfortable bus that can take groups of people on long journeys, parents - this is the word for your father and mother, grandparents - this is the word for your grandmother and grandfather, uncle - this man is married to your aunt, sister - this girl has the same mother and father as you, cousin - this is the child of your uncle and aunt, mirror - this is a piece of glass and you can see yourself in it,





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