1) Call me back in 5 minutes — I ____ new word in the app right now. a) am learning b) learnt c) learned d) learn e) will learn f) - 2) Native speakers don’t understand me, but my English teacher ____ saying my accent is great. a) keep b) is keeping c) keeped d) kept e) has been kept f) keeps 3) I ____ reading a grammar book last week. I guess it means I’m fluent now. a) have finished b) finished c) finish d) finishes e) had been finishing f) was finished 4) From now on, I ___ articles before every English word, just in case. a) put b) will be put c) puted d) will put e) putting f) am putting 5) I ___ the language on my phone to English. I don’t have the smartphone addiction anymore. a) have changed b) change c) changed d) will change e) changes f) have been changed 6) I ___ by the pool all night because I don’t remember how to say «потерял ключ от номера» in English. a) will be sleeping b) had been sleeping c) sleep d) sleeping e) will sleep f) have sleep 7) I ___ "The Big Bang Theory" was drama until Kuraj Bambey translated it into Russian — turned out it had jokes. a) had thought b) thought c) was thinking d) am thinking e) was thought f) had thinking 8) By 2025, I ___ my first Instagram post in English for 10 years. a) was writing b) will have been writing c) writing d) will be writing e) am writing f) will write 9) I ___ English by watching movies so I don’t understand native speakers without subtitles. a) had been learning b) learning c) had been learnt d) had being learning e) have been learning f) learn 10) I ___ so confidently that my American colleague started doubting if she knew the right kind of English. a) was speaking b) had spoken c) spoke d) spoked e) speak f) have speak 11) I ___ to learn all 12 English tenses before it turned out native speakers actually used only half of them. a) tried b) had been trying c) am trying d) trying e) try f) will try 12) I ___ fluent in English by the time the rest of the world starts speaking Chinese. a) become b) am becoming c) will have become d) becoming e) am become f) had becoming





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