1) być przeziębionym a) Have flu b) Have a cold c) call an ambulance d) have toothache 2) pojechać na ostry dyżur a) go to A&E b) stay in bed c) go to the health centre d) take medicine 3) mieć bolące gardło a) take your temperature b) take medicine c) Have a sore throat d) Have a cough 4) zadzwonić do lekarza a) call a doctor b) take your temperaturę c) stay in bed d) have toothache 5) być przeziębionym a) stay in bed b) Have a cold c) call an ambulance d) have toothache 6) dostać w łóżku a) take medicine b) go to the health centre c) call an ambulance d) stay in bed 7) mieć ból brzucha a) Have stomach ache b) Have earache c) Have a headache d) have toothache 8) mieć ból ucha a) Have earache b) go to the health centre c) Have a headache d) take medicine 9) mieć ból zęba a) call a doctor b) have toothache c) Have earache d) Have a cold 10) mieć gorączke a) Have flu b) sore throath mieć c) Have a fever d) Have a cold 11) mieć grypę a) Have a fever b) Have flu c) Have earache d) Have a headache 12) take your temperature a) take medicine b) stay in bed c) call an ambulance d) zmierzyć sobie temperaturę 13) iść do przychodni lekarskiej a) take medicine b) call an ambulance c) go to the health centre d) call a doctor 14) brać leki a) go to A&E b) stay in bed c) take your temperature d) take medicine 15) wezwać karetke a) call a doctor b) call an ambulance c) stay in bed d) go to the health centre 16) mieć kaszel a) Have a cough b) call a doctor c) Have a cold d) Have a headache 17) mieć ból glowy a) Have a fever b) Have stomach ache c) Have a headache d) stay in bed





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