flood - наводнение\a large amount of water that causes damage, drought - засуха\a period when there is no rainfall, global warming - глобальное потепление\the rise in the Earth's temperature, desert - пустыня\a dry area of land covered in sand, rainforest - тропические ливни\a thick forest in tropical areas, to destroy - разрушить\to ruin, volunteer team - команда волонтеров\a group of people who help for free, rescue team - спасательная команда\a group of people that work together to find and help victims, to affect - оказывать влияние\to influence, cause to change, to look after - заботаться\to protect, to care for, to cause - стать причиной\to result in, campaign - движение\movement, famine - голод\a great hunger, hunting  - охота\killing smth for for food or sport, to monitor  - наблюдать\to observe, to patrol  - патрулировать\to move around to make sure that everything is OK, observation team - команда наблюдателей\a group that studies smth, issue - проблема\problem, question to discuss,

starlight6 u5 disasters and nature





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