True: Easter is a movable holiday., Easter falls between March 22nd and April 25th., First day connected with Easter is Shrove Tuesday., Shrove Tuesday is the last chance for some fun before Lent begins., When you are fasting you do not eat ceartain foods., On Sunday before Easter Holy Week begins., An egg is a symbol of new life., When you play 'egg-knocking' you try to braeak sombody else's egg with yours., A lamb is a symbol of Christ's sacrifice on the cross., False: Easter has got a set date., Easter falls between 22nd April and 25th May., First day connected with Easter is Palm Sunday., Moundy Thursday is the last chance for some fun before Lent begins., When you are fasting you eat pancakes and donuts., The Sunday before Easter 40 days period of fasting begins., An egg reminds us that we must become ash., When you play 'egg-knocking' you try to find chocolate eggs hidden in the garden., A lamb is a symbol of new life.,

Easter days, facts and traditions reading





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