1) This model identified five basic stimuli that affect how a learner learns. a) Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory b) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) c) Kolb Learning Style Learning (LSI) 2) This tool classifies learners in terms of four modes with each quadrants corresponding to a brain structure and different preferences for thinking. a) Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) b) Brain Preference Indicator (BPI) c) Hermann Brain Dominance Instruments (HBDI) 3) These learners will conform to peer pressure. a) Field Independent Learner b) Field Dependent Learner c) Both 4) This test measures the field independence and dependence and how a person’s perception of an item is influenced by the context in which it appears. a) 4MAT System b) Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) c) Brain Preference Indicator (BPI) 5) These people learn best through hands-on experiences and enjoy new and challenging situations. a) Accommodator b) Converger c) Assimilator 6) It measures differences in personality types, which are combinations of the four dichotomous preferences. a) Hermann Brain Dominance Instruments (HBDI) b) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) c) Brain Preference Indicator (BPI) 7) Learners who demand to know why. They like to listen, speak, interact, and brainstorm. a) Type 3 Learners / Common Sense b) Type 2 Learners / Analytical c) Type 1 Learners / Imaginative 8) One of Gardner’s Seven Types of Intelligence wherein individuals are considered to be skilled at deductive reasoning, detecting patterns, and logical thinking. a) Logical Reasoning b) Musical c) Linguistic 9) These individuals have the ability to understand large amounts of information by putting it into a concise and logical form. a) Accommodator b) Assimilator c) Converger 10) Which part of the brain is being utilized when a learner is building a house using popsicle sticks? a) Left Hemisphere b) Right Hemisphere

THE GAME OF WITS: Learning Style Models and Instruments





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