1) If I ___________ time tonight, I will finish the novel that I am reading. a) will have b) am having c) have d) has 2) If he calls me "lazy" again, I ________ help him when he is in trouble. a) won't b) am c) don't d) can't 3) If David ________ answer my phone this time I ________ call him again. a) won't / doesn't b) doesn't / won't c) won't / don't d) isn't / won't 4) Choose the correct sentence. a) If you won't try harder, you will fail. b) You are late if you won't leave now. c) If the game is good I am playing it. d) If the sun shines I will go swimming. 5) I will stay in bad If I ________________ well tomorrow. a) won't feel b) felt c) don't feel d) not feel 6) If you __________ by plane it ____________ 2 hours. a) are going / will take b) go / will take c) will go / take d) won't go / don't take 7) What is wrong with this sentence? "My uncle will buy a car if he have enough money." a) "will buy" must be "buy" b) "have" must be "has" c) "have" must be "will have" d) "will buy" must be "buys" 8) If you __________ carefully, you __________ have an accident. a) will drive / don't b) drive / aren't c) will drive / not d) drive / won't 9) I will leave early ______________________. a) if I will finish my work b) if I am finish my work c) if I finish my work d) if I won't finish my work 10) Choose the correct conditional sentence according to this sentence: "I must run faster or I will lose the race." a) If I must run faster, I will lose the race. b) If I run faster, I will lose the race. c) If I run faster, I will win the race. d) If I don't run faster, I will win the race. 11) If I ________ clean the garage, my father ______ give me any money. a) don't / won't b) am / will c) won't / doesn't d) am not / isn't 12) If your dad's old games __________ work on your new computer, what _______ you do? a) doesn't / will b) won't / do c) aren't / will d) don't / will 13) If there _______ any milk in the fridge I ____________ and buy some. a) is / go b) be / will go c) isn't / will go d) isn't / don't go 14) What ______________ if you don't do well in the test? a) will happen b) happened c) happens d) is happen 15) She _________ all over the world if she __________ rich. a) would travel / would be b) travelled / would be c) would travel / were d) travels / were be 16) If I _________you, I _________ that man. a) was / helped b) weren't / don't help c) am / will help d) were / would help 17) If we _________ a yacht, we _________ the seven seas. a) had / would sail b) have / would sailed c) would have / sailed d) had / sailed 18) If they ________ their father, he ________ very angry. a) would tell / was b) told / would was c) told / would be d) were told / was 19) We __________ you if we _________ how. a) helped / would know b) help / knew c) would helped / knew d) would help / knew 20) My brother _________ a sports car if he _________ the money. a) bought / would have b) would buy / had c) would bought / have d) bought / would had 21) If I _______ better, I ______ to the cinema with you. a) would felt / went b) felt / would went c) felt / would go d) would feel / went 22) If my grandfather ________ alive, he ________ 110 years old. a) were / was b) would be / were c) was / will be d) were / would be 23) We ________ football if the weather were good. a) would be able to play b) would were able to play c) were able to play d) will be able to play 24) The film ________ more interesting if it ________ a happy ending. a) would be / has b) were / would have c) was / would have d) would be / had 25) What would you do if you ________ invisible? a) will become b) would become c) became d) were become 26) If you could go on holidays, where __________? a) do you go b) did you go c) will you go d) would you go 27) He’ll get lost ___ someone shows him the way. a) unless b) if 28) ___ you practice your English, you can improve it quickly. a) If b) Unless 29) You can’t travel abroad ____ you don’t have a passport. a) if b) unless 30) ____ there is oxygen, fire cannot burn. a) If b) Unless

If Clause Type 1-2





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