1) Sam: Sorry, I’m late. Ben: Here you are! I waited for you for one hour and  ✅   you wouldn’t come.〔97. 基測Ⅰ〕 a) forgot b) found c) noticed d) thought 2) The weather is nice and cool today. Let’s go for a  ✅   on the grass and enjoy some food and drinks.〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 a) drive b) picnic c) swim d) vacation 3) Brian: How do you usually go back to Hualien? Peter: By  ✅ . There are many flights a day.〔92. 基測Ⅰ〕 a) bus b) car c) plane d) train 4) Grace: How many people   ✅  in the office when the fire happened? Harry: Five. Luckily , nobody got hurt.〔95.基測Ⅱ〕 a) did they b) had they c) were there d) would there be 5) Sam:   ✅  you have a good time at Mr. Moore’s house tonight? Tom: Yes. It was a wonderful party. I’m glad I went.〔95.基測Ⅱ〕 a) Do b) Did c) Will d) Would 6) Carson: Bye, girls. See you tomorrow, Phoebe. Shirley:  ✅   did Carson say he would see you tomorrow? Phoebe: We’re going out for a picnic. Do you want to come?〔103.會考〕 a) What b) When c) Where d) Why 7) Anita: I saw Nora in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know  ✅  she was there? Brian: She cheated on tests.〔99.基測Ⅱ〕 a) how b) if c) when d) why 8) Jane: Did you get up early this morning? Tina: No, I didn’t, but my brother  ✅  . He gets up early every day.〔93.基測Ⅰ〕 a) does b) is c) did d) was 9) Mozart  ✅   his first music when he was only six years old.〔109 會考〕 a) is writing b) has written c) will write d) wrote 10) Paul: What did you find under his desk? Tom: Oh,  ✅   all kinds of things: a basketball, pencils, a hat, and fries!〔90.基測Ⅰ〕 a) there were b) it was c) it had d) there was 11) Dad: Are you going out? It’s really late now. Mitch: I know, but it’s the last day to buy tickets to the World Cup games,  ✅   I must go.〔101.基測〕 a) if b) or c) so d) though 12) Mom: What   ✅  after school today? Ryan: Well, I just read some comic books.〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 a) did you do b) do you do c) are you doing d) will you do 13) Doris: Why   ✅  so many things to do when I’m busy enough? Frank: That’s because you don’t know how to use your time well .〔102.試辦會考〕 a) does it have b) have c) are they d) are there 14) At first, my bookstore’s business ✅  not very good. But now it is doing quite well.〔95.基測Ⅰ〕 a) is b) does c) was d) did 15) Enya got up early this morning   ✅  she did not want to be late for her trip.〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 a) if b) but c) though d) because 16) No one thought James would appear at Katie’s party. So when he  ✅  , everyone was surprised and could not believe their eyes.〔104 會考〕 a) would b) was c) had d) did 17) Mr. Hu speaks good English   ✅  he lived in the U.S. for many years.〔100.基測Ⅰ〕 a) because b) but c) so d) whether 18) The boss called from the airport an hour   ✅ , so I guess he will arrive at the office soon .〔100.北北基〕 a) after b) ago c) before d) later





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